Find used parts for your vehicle
Find used parts for your vehicle
Auto Parts Services (APS)
Find used parts for your vehicle at our certified (Licensed) scrapyard. Our mission is to make it easier than ever for you to find quality used car parts.
When we receive an accident-damaged vehicle into our yard, we ensure that parts that are resold, have been thoroughly cleaned and tested (if required). This ensures that our parts are of high quality, yet at bargain prices.
- We do not offer guarantees on electrical parts.
- 7 days guarantee on gearboxes and diffs.
- 30 day guarantee on motors.
- We can provide clearance assistance on engines.
- We do provide police verified engine numbers.
Payments accepted
- We have card facilities at the yard for your convenience, which will allow you to take stock immediately.
- We do accept EFT’s, but will need to wait 24 hours for payment to reflect before parts can be collected.
- We do not offer accounts.
Our Team of Experts¦
Our helpful team is always ready to assist you in finding the part that you need. Your satisfaction brings us joy, which is why we always strive to offer you the highest level of service possible.
Have a question?
Please contact us and our sales team will get back to you as soon as possible.